Client Testimonies

Pregnancy Clinic

“This place has been like a miracle to me. When I thought that there was no hope for me, I came in to the CPC and wanted an abortion. I came out of this saved, and blessing another family with a baby and it’s the best thing I could have ever done. I feel like my life has purpose now, I really do. I don’t know where I would be without the Cookeville Pregnancy Clinic. I’m so glad I found it.”

"I feel so much better than when I got here. I almost feel like a new woman."

Sexual Risk Avoidance Client 

“I will remember what a healthy relationship is like,  I never realized how clingy I was.”

“Thank you for coming and teaching this class. I truly think this has impacted a lot of people. It has encouraged me to remain abstinent and have a healthy relationship.”

“You have made this class fun and educational.”

The CPC does not perform or refer for abortion services.